Music is life

The scientist and the poet. Which of the two best understands human nature? Music exists in all cultures, however “primitive” or isolated they might be.

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Einstein and Classical Music

The man responsible for predicting the existence of gravitational waves as the last brick in his theory of general relativity is so often reduced to a tongue-poking electric-hair-shock caricature: the slightly mad but cuddly genius who is just different to everybody else.

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World Music Day

Music brings the world closer. Not just words, there are notes, songs, and tunes to express every emotion. To mark its significance, music lovers all across the globe get together to celebrate World Music Day on June 21 every year.

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Amazing Benefits of Listening to Classical Music

Classical music has long been seen as a status symbol, and is often associated with the wealthy. Having an orchestra perform at a gathering or function was something only the rich could do. Fast forward to this day and age, it has more or less remained that way – but with the advent of technology and music streaming platforms, it is easier than ever to access this otherwise “exclusive” music.

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